Streets & Park

Jason Sheire - Public Works Director

Todd Griffiths - Public Works Assistant

Municipal Garage Building
5 Main Street

Office Phone: (608) 943-6917
Cell Phone: (608) 778-9799

Winter Community Information

- November 1 through March 31st is our winter parking season to accommodate snow plowing per Village Ordinance 3.04(3). Park on the even numbered side of the street on even numbered days and the odd side of the street on odd numbered days.

Example for correct parking:  If you are parking your car on the street the 24th of the month, you should park on the even side of the street to be in compliance with the ordinance.

There are also signs posted Downtown for no parking from 3a.m. to 7a.m.

- Snow needs to be cleared from the sidewalk on your property per Village Ordinance 9.12. Please direct the shoveled snow into your property, not towards the street, as the plows will unintentionally move it back up to the sidewalk if there is not enough room available at the curb. The public works director will, if not cleared within a reasonable amount of time, direct it to be cleared by the Village and placed on the owner’s property tax billing as a special charge. Our children use the sidewalks for passage to school and all of our citizens find it very hazardous to maneuver through the snow and ruts created by sidewalks not shoveled.

- We all need to pitch in and clear snow from any fire hydrant that may ultimately serve you or someone in your housing area. Property and unfortunately lives can be lost if the fire department has to try to clear them in order to connect their fire hoses during an emergency.

No Burning in Streets or Curb

There is to be no burning on streets, alleys or curb per ordinance 5.09(3).  Residents may place leaves in containers at curbside for pick up or take them to the dumpsite and put in the mulch pile.  Do not rake into piles in curb or on street.

Park Hours -

- All Village parks shall be closed to the public between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 am on the succeeding day.  Any law enforcement officer of the Village may clear all person from Village Parks during closing hours per ordinance 13.055

Ball Field -

Coaches may schedule practices on the google calendar - Ballfield Use Calendar .  Once I hear from Iowa Grant Summer Rec and have their schedule the calendar will have to be updated.  All summer rec games will take priority.   Any scheduled practices will need to be worked around those games.