The Village of Montfort Public Library Board of Trustees is accepting applications for a creative, energetic, outgoing, self-motivated, and organized individual that will provide leadership to maintain current and enhance library services.
Applicants must have computer and technology knowledge, 54 semester credits (1/2 in liberal arts) and be prepared to take the appropriate courses for the State of Wisconsin public library certification.
Currently, the library director position is 24 hours per week. A full job description is attached Library Director Job Description .
Salary is based on qualifications and experience; limited benefits available.
Candidates wishing to be considered should submit a cover letter with salary requirements, resume, and professional references to Village of Montfort, Attn: Library Board, PO Box 157, Montfort, WI 53569 or emailed to [email protected] with Library Director in the subject line.
Resumes must be submitted on/or before Wednesday, August 18, 2021.