As part of our annual maintenance, Public Works employees will be flushing fire hydrants on September 28th & 29th from 8:00 a.m. unit 4:00 p.m. If you are on Highway 18 the hydrants will be flushed on September 25th between the hours of 8:00 and Noon
During the flushing process, there may be a slight discoloration of the water caused by sediment or rust being flushed from the water mains. If you do experience discoloration in your water service, please don’t be alarmed your water will clear up once it is run for a short time.
We suggest that on days we flush, you may not want to do laundry during the hours listed above. Possible discoloration in the water can stain light colored clothing.
If you have any questions regarding this procedure or if you would like to know where we are I the Village, please call (608) 778-9799.
Thank you for you cooperation.
Todd Griffiths
DPW Supervisor
Village of Montfort