Gov. Evers Announces Federal Approval of Disaster Loans for Small Businesses

Office of Governor Tony Evers
Contact: [email protected] or 608-219-7443
Gov. Evers Announces Federal Approval of Disaster Loans for Small Businesses
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers announced today that the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved Wisconsin’s request for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to access low-interest federal disaster loans.

“This is very good news for Wisconsin businesses that have already suffered financial losses due to the COVID-19 outbreak,” he said. “With the SBA loans now available to our state, small businesses and their employees have a little more certainty over their financial futures. This is another step in providing much-needed assistance to Wisconsin’s small businesses.”

With unprecedented demand for the loans nationwide, processing of the applications may be delayed. 

“We are encouraging business owners to reach out to SBA’s partners [mentioned below] and to SBA’s offices with their questions to help the loan application process go as smoothly as possible,” said Wisconsin’s SBA district director, Eric Ness.

Under the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, businesses and non-profits may qualify for up to $2 million in loans to cover losses resulting from the pandemic. The interest rate on the loans is 3.75% for for-profit businesses and 2.75% for nonprofits. Participants may be able to extend payments for up to 30 years.

Businesses and non-profits can begin their loan applications at The Wisconsin Small Business Development (SBDC) Network and it partners are helping small businesses apply for federal disaster loans to mitigate the substantial economic injury as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Wisconsin SBDC, a resource partner of the SBA, has created a web page to help business owners understand the qualifications and application process. That web page is available here. Consultants across the network’s 13 locations are working remotely via phone, email and virtual tools to assist clients.

The Wisconsin SBA and its other SBA resource partners – including WWBIC, Western Wisconsin Women’s Business Center, SCORE and Veterans Business Outreach Center – are also working to assist their clients.

Additional business resources can be found on Wisconsin SBDC’s website and Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship’s website, The UW System is sharing updates regularly at

As part of the application process, businesses will be asked to supply the following information:   

  • Tax Information Authorization (IRS Form 4506T) for the applicant, principals and affiliates.
  • Complete copies of the most recent Federal Income Tax Return.
  • Schedule of Liabilities (SBA Form 2202).
  • Personal Financial Statement (SBA Form 413).
  • Profit and loss statements
  • Monthly sales figures (SBA Form 1368)

For more information, consult the FAQ sheet from SBA here, visit the SBA website at, or visit the SBDC website at

Voting Machine Public Test





According to Wis. Stats. 5.84 (1) Testing Equipment, the electronic voting equipment must be tested at a public meeting.  The ICE – ImageCast Evolution electronic voting system, which utilizes automatic tabulating equipment, will be tested on Monday, March 30 at 10:00 a.m. in the Village Office, 102 E. Park Street.


This test is open to the public.


Shelly Kazda


Village of Montfort





Posted on: 03/24/2020 – Village Website, Community Building and Montfort Post Office


To The Residents of The Village of Montfort:


Never before in our lifetimes have we experienced an event like Covid-19.  We hope that you are willingly complying with the recommendations of the Federal and State government because we feel that voluntary compliance in regard to social distancing and limiting our travel will be effective in slowing the spread of this virus and prevent overwhelming our medical system and endangering the lives of those most vulnerable.  If we voluntarily comply, the government will not need to take more drastic measures.


At our last board meeting we discussed what we could do to help.  Of course, Village Board members are not experts in this field and only wish to encourage you to listen to those who are.  The Federal and State governments, along with the Health Departments throughout the nation are doing what they feel is the best course of action to battle this outbreak.


So, for our part, we would simply like to encourage you to be good neighbors.  If there is an elderly neighbor, offer to bring them groceries and other necessities so that they do not need to leave their homes in the next few weeks.


Just as importantly is to try and help minimize the impact to our local businesses, especially the local restaurants and bars.  Never in our lifetimes have we seen an order from the government ordering them to close their doors and the impacts to them and their employees who work there is going to be severe.


We, as a board, would like to recommend that you consider ordering a carryout from these businesses as often as you can during this time to help them keep the lights on and their employees employed.  Every time there is a community event or fundraiser these businesses come through again and again to support their community and now is our chance to pay them back.


Also, we understand that some of these establishments have some excess food that they would rather not let go to waste and are willing to sell at their cost if you have found a shortage in the grocery aisles.  Products such as cheese, eggs, lettuce and Chili are available at Tower Junction, for example.


The telephone numbers are: Tower Junction – 943-6061, Sheddy’s – 943-8711 and The Hollow – 943-6211. Please give them a call!


Please be considerate of others and be safe.


The Montfort Village Board



Type E Notice for Absentee Voting


Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot. A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, who has resided in the ward or municipality where he or she wishes to vote for at least 10 consecutive days before the election. The elector must also be registered in order to receive an absentee ballot. Proof of identification must be provided before an absentee ballot may be issued.

You must make a request for an absentee ballot in writing.

Contact your municipal clerk and request that an application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for the primary or election or both. You may also submit a written request in the form of a letter. Your written request must list your voting address within the municipality where you wish to vote, the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, if different, and your signature. You may make application for an absentee ballot by mail, email or in person.

Making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail

The deadline for making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is:
4:30 pm on the fifth day before the election, Thursday, April 2, 2020.

Note: Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized, or serving as a sequestered juror. If this applies to you, contact the municipal clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.

Voting an absentee ballot in person

You may also request and vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office or other specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee ballot in person.


Village of Montfort

Shelly Kazda-Clerk

102 E. Park St.

Montfort WI 53569

 Office Hours

Mon-Thurs. 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.


The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is:
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The last day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office:
Thursday, April 2, 2020

No in-person absentee voting may occur on the day before the election.

The municipal clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election Day to the proper polling place before the polls close on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Any ballots received after the polls close will not be counted.

Water Department Notice


Montfort Water Department is requesting your help.   They are looking for homes built around 1983 – 1984.  They also need to know of any homes with lead water service lines.  If your home qualifies for one or both please call the number below.


Thank you in advance for you help.



Montfort Water Department

Todd Griffiths and Rob Aide


New Voting Equipment


 Per the County, the Village of Montfort had to update our voting equipment.  Our old machines were marked for an end date by 2023 and parts would no longer be available.  The machine that the Village went with is updatable where the prior ones were not.  I have attached a description of the new machine. You may also view a short video about the machine at this link:  Below please see instructions for voting on the new machines.   


  • Read ballot carefully before making selection.  If you make a mistake you will need to get a new ballot from the Chief Inspector.
  • Only use paper mate pen in booth for marking.
  • Make clear mark in oval for your selection.
  • Once ballot is marked, proceed to machine to insert your ballot.

 If you need to register to vote, change your address or name please visit to register online.  You may also stop at the Clerk’s office to fill out a paper registration form.

 If anyone has any questions you may call the Village Clerk at 608-943-6917.

Pet Owner Reminders

All dogs or cats need to be leashed and not be permitted to run at large or you may be fined.

If you see a dog running at large and would like to file a complaint, you should take a photo of the animal and call Grant County Sheriff’s Department at 608-723-2157.

If a dog is running at large and the owner is not reachable or known, the dog shall be taken to the Grant County Humane Society.  The owner shall be responsible for all cost to retrieve said animal.    

Dog bites or attacks shall not be tolerated.  The owner of a dog who bites shall be fined and made to follow quarantine protocol per the ordinance. 

Type A Notice of Spring Primary and Sample Ballots

Notice of Spring Primary and

Sample Ballots

February 18, 2020






Notice is hereby given of a spring primary election to be held in the Village of Montfort, on the 18th day of February, 2020, at which the officers named below shall be nominated.  The names of the candidates or each office, whose nominations have been certified to or filed in this office, are given under the title of the office, each in its proper column, together with the questions submitted to a vote, for a referendum, if any, in the sample ballot below.




Upon entering the polling place, a voter shall state his or her name and address, show acceptable proof of identification and sign the poll book before being permitted to vote.  If a voter is not registered to vote, a voter may register to vote at the polling place serving his or her residence, if the voter presents proof of residence in a form specified by law.  Where ballots are distributed to electors, the initials of two inspectors must appear on the ballot.  Upon being permitted to vote, the voter shall retire alone to a voting booth and cast his or her ballot except that a voter who is a parent or guardian may be accompanied by the elector’s minor child or minor ward.  An election official may inform the voter of the proper manner for casting a vote, but the official may not in any manner advise or indicate a particular voting choice.


Where Paper Ballots are Used

The voter shall make a cross (X) in the square next to the name of the candidate of his or her choice for each office for which he or she intends to vote.  To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall write in the name of the person of his or her choice in the space provided for a write-in vote.  On referendum questions, the voter shall make a cross (X) in the square next to “yes” if in favor of the question, or the voter shall make a cross (X) in the square next to “no” if opposed to the question.


Where Optical Scan Voting is Used

The voter shall fill in the oval or connect the arrow next to the name of the candidate of his or her choice for each office for which he or she intends to vote.  To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall write in the name of the person of his or her Type B Notice

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choice in the space provided for a write-in vote, and fill in the oval or connect the arrow next to the write-in line.  On referendum questions, the voter shall fill in the oval or connect the arrow next to “yes” if in favor of the question, or the voter shall fill in the oval or connect the arrow next to “no” if opposed to the question.


When using an electronic ballot marking device (“Automark”) to mark an optical scan ballot, the voter shall touch the screen at the name of the candidate of his or her choice for each office for which he or she intends to vote.  To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall type in the name of the person of his or her choice in the space provided for a write-in vote.  On referendum questions, the voter shall touch the screen at “yes” if in favor of the question, or the voter shall touch the screen at “no” if opposed to the question.


Where Touch Screen Voting is Used

The voter shall touch the screen next to the name of the candidate of his or her choice for each office for which he or she intends to vote.  To vote for a person whose name does not appear on the ballot, the voter shall type in the name of the person of his or her choice in the space provided for a write-in vote.  On referendum questions, the voter shall touch the screen next to “yes” if in favor of the question, or the voter shall touch the screen next to “no” if opposed to the question.


The vote should not be cast in any other manner.  Not more than five minutes’ time shall be allowed inside a voting booth.  Sample ballots or other materials to assist the voter in casting his or her vote may be taken into the booth and copied.  The sample ballot shall not be shown to anyone so as to reveal how the ballot is marked.


If the voter spoils a paper or optical scan ballot, he or she shall return it to an election official who shall issue another ballot in its place, but not more than three ballots shall be issued to any one voter.  If the ballot has not been initialed by two inspectors or is defective in any other way, the voter shall return it to the election official, who shall issue a proper ballot in its place.


The voter may spoil a touch screen ballot at the voting station before the ballot is cast.


After Voting the Ballot

After an official paper ballot is marked, it shall be folded so the inside Type B Notice

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marks do not show, but so the printed endorsements and inspectors’ initials on the outside do show.  The voter shall deposit the voted ballot in the ballot box, or deliver the ballot to an inspector for deposit, and shall leave the polling place promptly.


After an official optical scan ballot is marked, it shall be inserted in the security sleeve so the marks do not show.  The voter shall insert the ballot in the voting device and discard the sleeve, or deliver the ballot to an inspector for deposit.  If a central count system is used, the voter shall insert the ballot in the ballot box and discard the sleeve, or deliver the ballot to an inspector for deposit.  The voter shall leave the polling place promptly.


After an official touch screen ballot is cast, the voter shall leave the polling place promptly.


A voter may select an individual to assist in casting his or her vote if the voter declares to the presiding official that he or she is unable to read, has difficulty reading, writing or understanding English or that due to disability is unable to cast his or her ballot. The selected individual rendering assistance may not be the voter’s employer or an agent of that employer or an officer or agent of a labor organization which represents the voter.


The following is a sample of the official ballots:


(see attached)


                                                Shelly Kazda


                                                Shelly Kazda, Clerk-Treasurer                                            



Posted 2/11/20 at Community building, Post Office and Village Website.


Notice of Election Poll Hours and Location Type D Notice



At the Spring Primary Election to be held on February 18, 2020, in the Village of Montfort, the following polling place locations will be used for the wards indicated:


                     Location                             Wards


        Montfort Fire Department      Ward 1 & Ward 2

        605 S. Wall Street




If you have any questions concerning your polling place, contact the municipal clerk.


Shelly Kazda-Clerk

102 E. Park Street


Monday-Thursday 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.


All polling places are accessible to elderly and disabled voters.


Notice of Meeting of the Local Board of Canvassers


At the close of voting on Election Day, pursuant to the provisions of Wis. Stat. § 19.84, the Election Inspectors at each polling place will convene as the Local Canvassing Board for the purpose of conducting the local canvass pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 7.51.  This meeting will be open to the public pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§ 19.81-89.