News & Notices

Notice of Election Poll Hours and Location Type D Notice

July 28, 2020

LOCATION AND HOURS OF POLLING PLACE At the Partisan Primary Election to be held on August 11, 2020, in the Village of Montfort, the following polling place locations will be […]

Type B Notice of Spring Primary and Sample Ballots

July 28, 2020

Type-B-Notice-for-Partisan-Primary August-11-2020-Iowa-County-Ballot Sample August-11-2020-Grant-County-Ballot Sample

Type E Notice for Absentee Voting

July 2, 2020

 VOTING BY ABSENTEE BALLOT  Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot. A qualified […]

Board Opening for Trustee

June 11, 2020

VILLAGE OF MONTFORT NOTICE OF VILLAGE TRUSTEE VACANCY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the electors of the Village of Montfort, in the Counties of Grant and Iowa, State of Wisconsin, […]

Notice of 2020-2021 Liquor License Applications

June 4, 2020

 Public notice  application for license village of MONTFORT  GRANT & iowa countIES The following applications for 2020-2021 liquor licenses have been received by me as Village Clerk for the Village […]

Montfort Ballfield Use

May 27, 2020

  MONTFORT BALLFIELD   Due to Summer Rec being cancelled this year, the Village has come up with the following to schedule field time.   ·      To schedule practice or […]

Reward for Tree Damage

May 27, 2020

  Over the weekend a newly planted tree near the basketball court was destroyed.     The Village of Montfort is offering a reward for information on who is responsible […]

Notice of Board Of Review

May 21, 2020

 Notice of Board of Review  for the Village of Montfort              NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN that the Board of Review for the Village of Montfort shall be held on […]

Notice of Open Book

May 21, 2020

NOTICE OF OPEN BOOK STATE OF WISCONSIN VILLAGE OF MONTFORT GRANT & IOWA COUNTIES Pursuant to s.70.45, Wis. Stats, the Village of Montfort assessment roll for the year 2016 assessment […]


May 19, 2020

  VILLAGE CLEAN UP DAY WILL BE SATURDAY, JUNE 13TH  8am – 3pm  Accross the street from the Village shop.  What can NOT be placed in a dumpster?  ·         Large/Major […]